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Do I need gum (pink) aesthetic ?

At Mayadent international we speak with patients who are dissatisfied with the appearance or shape of their gums. While most people think of things like teeth whitening when considering how to improve their smile, the appearance of the gums also makes a significant impact. If you feel that yours are too large or have receded and are too small, send us a message to +905323833596 and schedule an appointment with our dental office. We can examine you, make recommendations, and let you know whether we can assist you or if you should see a specialist. In the meantime, here are a few frequently asked questions about gum contouring and our answers to them.
Our patients undergo aesthetic gum treatment to cover exposed tooth roots caused by gum recession or reveal more of the tooth if there is too much gum tissue. Throughout the profession, Dr. Giray Sagat is known for the innovative techniques that perfected for aesthetic periodontal procedures.
These techniques were designed to improve the appearance of the teeth and smile and increase patient comfort by reducing the trauma to the soft tissues that is common with “traditional” surgical procedures.
What is Aesthetic Gum Treatment?
Aesthetic gum treatment can repair a lack of gum tissue through tissue sculpting or extend the tooth with crown lengthening. These two procedures are recommended for patients to improve the appearance of their smiles with minimally invasive techniques.
Tissue sculpting is performed using a minimally invasive microsurgical technique. Dr. Giray Sagat repairs gum recession often without the need for a tissue graft.
Crown lengthening exposes more of the tooth for patients who have a gummy smile. Dr. Giray Sagat will balance the gum tissue and teeth by reshaping the gum and bone tissue.
While both of these procedures are intended to correct aesthetic problems, they can also prevent other dental problems from arising in the future.

Benefits of Aesthetic Gum Treatment
Many patients are dissatisfied with the aesthetics of their smile, whether their gums are too prominent or their gums are not visible enough. Through aesthetic gum treatments, in Turkey we can shape the gum tissue and underlying bone to provide a more pleasing appearance. Some benefits of aesthetic gum treatment include:
Improve the health of your gums. Often, receding gums point to a more serious issue, such as periodontal disease. Aesthetic gum treatment can be a good way to discover and treat these issues.
Enhance the appearance of teeth that look too long. Receding gums can cause the teeth to look overly long. Aesthetic gum treatment provides a more proportional look.
Modify a “gummy” smile. If you fear that your smile reveals too much of your gums but not enough of your teeth, corrective surgery can correct the balance.
Reduce the risk of root decay. The problems that cause gum recession can ultimately have a corrosive effect on the entire mouth, including the roots of your teeth. Aesthetic gum enhancement can minimize this risk.
Why is Gum Recession More Than an Aesthetic Problem?
Gum recession, which exposes the sensitive roots of your teeth, is a progressive problem that can be caused by:
Gum Disease
Bacterial infections of the gums can not only destroy gum tissue but also erode the underlying bone. Gum disease is the primary cause of receding gums, and if left untreated it can have long-term ill effects on your periodontic health. It is important to address periodontal disease to help contain its effects.
Another common cause of receding gums is bruxism or grinding of the teeth. Over time, regular tooth grinding can actually cause the teeth to shift position, which can in turn make them more likely to recede. Those who regularly grind their teeth, particularly at night, are encouraged to seek treatment so as to avoid long-term effects, including gum recession.
Much like teeth grinding, teeth clenching can lead to a number of ill effects regarding the teeth and the jaw. The motion of clenching places a high level of pressure on the gums, which increases the risk of recession. Clenching also loosens the teeth in their sockets, increasing the risk of bacterial infection and gum disease.
Poorly Positioned Teeth
Poorly aligned teeth can contribute to receding gums. When teeth are not in their proper position, it makes them more likely to recede. Additionally, incorrectly positioned teeth are more likely to attract bacteria, which can be a major contributor to periodontal disease. Addressing tooth position is an important step toward preventing gum recession.
Aggressive Brushing and Flossing
While insufficient dental care can sometimes lead to gum recession, overly aggressive brushing and flossing can be just as dangerous. By brushing or flossing your teeth too aggressively in one direction, it can strip away the tooth enamel, which ultimately makes the teeth more likely to recede from the gums.
As gums recede, the teeth appear too long and misshapen, which is the main reason our patients undergo aesthetic gum treatment. However, gum recession also leaves the exposed roots vulnerable to root decay and sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks. If left untreated, gum recession may also cause bone loss if the tooth becomes infected.
Crown Lengthening for Aesthetic Gum Treatment
While some patients find that their gums recede, others find that their gums are too prominent, covering too much of the teeth and leading to a “gummy” smile. One way to address this issue is through crown lengthening. Through this process, Dr. Giray reveals more of your natural teeth, sculpting and shaping the gums and the underlying bone to provide aesthetic enhancement. Additionally, crown lengthening can be a great solution for patients whose teeth are worn down too close to the gum line.
How is Aesthetic Gum Treatment Performed?
Dr. Giray Sagat performs all aesthetic gum treatment with a device that delivers local anesthesia with little to no discomfort. Each procedure is performed with:
Microsurgical techniques under high magnification to provide greater detail.
• Very fine surgical instruments to minimize patient discomfort and speed healing.
• The patient’s unique situation in mind to provide the most effective treatment option.

Is this purely a cosmetic procedure, or is there a medical reasons for contouring and shaping?
• That depends on why you want to schedule a gum reshaping. If you are calling our office because you suffer from gum disease, we will first examine you to determine if you have the condition, discuss your treatment options, and work to eliminate the actual disease. At that point, you may very well need a gum contouring procedure in order to restore gums that have receded and are now putting the health of your teeth, roots, and jawbone at risk. In a very real sense, gum contouring and grafting can help save your teeth.
• While typically gum recession is caused by gum disease, you could also experience this due to excessive tooth brushing, taking a prescription drug, or even genetics. In this case, as with gum disease, restoring your gum tissue may become necessary for your optimum oral health.
• Typically, gum contouring is not medically necessary and is only performed to improve the appearance of teeth and gums.

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