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Veneers or Crowns

What’s the difference between a veneer and a crown?
A veneer is a very thin layer of porcelain or other materials, about 1 millimeter (mm) in thickness, that’s bonded to the front of your existing tooth.
A crown is about 2 mm in thickness and covers the whole tooth. It can be all porcelain, porcelain fused to a metal alloy (PFM), or an all-metal alloy.
Whether a veneer or a crown is right for you will depend on the condition of your teeth and what you’re trying to fix. Common conditions for restoration are:
• discolored teeth
• chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
• decayed or weakened teeth
• crooked teeth
Both crowns and veneers are color matched to your teeth, except for all-metal crowns.
What is a veneer?
A veneer covers only the front surface of your tooth. They’re not as invasive as crowns, because the preparation leaves more of your original tooth intact.
About half a millimeter of the enamel on the front of the tooth is ground down to roughen the surface for bonding the veneer. Some newer types of veneers don’t need as much grinding of the tooth surface. You may need a local anesthetic for this, because the grinding may be painful.
What is a crown?
A crown covers the entire tooth. With a crown, more of the tooth needs to be filed or ground down to prepare for the crown placement.
If you have tooth decay, your dentist will remove the decayed part of the tooth before making the crown. In this case, your tooth may need to be built up to support the crown.
Your tooth may also need to be built up if it’s damaged. You may have a local anesthetic for this procedure.

How do you know which one is right for you?
If your tooth has a large filling, a root canal, or is very worn or cracked, a crown is likely the best option.
If your tooth is basically intact and the restoration is for cosmetic purposes, a veneer may be the best option. Veneers can also be used for minor shape corrections.
Veneer pros
• They may be more aesthetically pleasing than crowns in the long run, because they don’t show a gum margin after several years, as crowns sometimes do.
• Some veneers don’t require a lot of trimming, so more of your healthy natural tooth remains.
• Teeth with veneers have minimal movement.
Veneer cons
• Veneers leave more areas of your tooth exposed to new decay.
• Composite veneers cost less, but may only last 5–7 years. Other materials last longer, but may have to be replaced.
• Veneers aren’t reversible.

Crown pros
• All of the tooth is covered, so your tooth is more protected from decay.
• Porcelain crowns look and feel just like your natural teeth.
• Crowns are relatively permanent and don’t have to be removed for cleaning as dentures do.
Crown cons
• More of your natural tooth is removed to make room for the crown.
Your crowned tooth may be more sensitive to heat and cold initially and you may experience gum pain
Both veneers and crowns can improve your smile and the function of your teeth. Both are costly procedures, especially when more than one tooth is involved.
Veneers are used when you want cosmetic improvement, like covering crooked or chipped teeth, especially your front teeth.
Crowns are used when the tooth has a lot of decay or is broken or needs a root canal. Crowns may also be more appropriate when you need to brace adjoining teeth.
Getting regular dental checkups and practicing good dental hygiene are vital for maintaining your veneer or crown and the rest of your teeth. Most impotanly leave the last desicion to you doctor about your personal indication.

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